Embracing Opportunity
As a leading seniors residence and provider of seniors continuing care services and programs, Canterbury Foundation is strengthening its position to support an increasing seniors population and increased demand for quality seniors housing and services in Edmonton.
Some key principles guided the work that generated the strategic priorities for the next three years:
- Fewer priorities were better than many priorities.
- The priorities should fit into the natural flow of staff and board work.
- The priorities are intended to be strategic rather than operational.
- The priorities will help guide and measure the work of the board and of the staff.

The Future of
Seniors' Care is Here
Strategic Priorities
- Expanding and Sharing our Knowledge
- Clarifying Who We Serve Best
- Exploring the Ways we Serve Our Community
Strategic Plan
Canterbury Foundation is committed to staying on top of current and emerging trends that will have an impact on the communities and people it serves. Services and programs will respond to the desires and needs of Edmonton seniors who make Canterbury Foundation home and for those considering Canterbury Foundation as their future home.
Give the promise of home.
Canterbury Foundation is a not-for-profit licensed care facility.